Bath Spa University Registration

Create Account

When can you create an account / access online registration?

Online registration will open approximately two weeks in advance of your course start or course induction date. 

At this time, you'll be sent an email from Bath Spa University inviting you to first create an account (new students only) on this page, and then to complete online registration. You'll be unable to complete either step until you've received your welcome email inviting you to complete online registration.

How to create an account

If you're new to Bath Spa University and have received your welcome email, you'll need to create an account before you can complete online registration.  You'll need to enter the following information: 

You'll then need to check and amend your preferred name if it is not the same as your legal forename. Your preferred name will be used in all communication except where we are required to use your legal name. Once you've updated your details, you'll need to enter the following:

Once your account is created, you'll be notified of your Bath Spa University email address. This notification will be sent to the personal email address you provide, normally within 48 hours.  

Need help?

If you've received your welcome email inviting you to create an account and complete online registration, and you're still unable to login, please review our FAQs or contact While you're completing online registration, click on the '?' icons for further guidance.

If you've already created an account, please log in here.

Account Information
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